Comic Page

moderation - Pentapede Nation #66



Pentapede Nation Page “moderation - Pentapede Nation #66” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-03-07 — Tags: kashsh, ligasha, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [LIGASHA and KASHSH crouch in a bush, hunting]

LIGASHA - I just thought we had resolved the issue.

KASHSH - Well, Shishakh does have a point. We need to have strong children that can defend and tend the nest.


LIGASHA - Of course, but shouldn't we let them determine for themselves what they want to do?

KASHSH - And what if that is what they want to do? Don't we all want to do something we're good at?

LIGASHA - Shh... Squirrel.

(3) [LIGASHA and KASHSH attack the squirrel]

LIGASHA - But will we come to view them only as workers? Will they cease to be our family?