Comic Page

unmanned aerial vehicles - Pentapede Nation #69



Pentapede Nation Page “unmanned aerial vehicles - Pentapede Nation #69” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-03-19 — Tags: logan samuelson, sylvia, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [SYLVIA and LOGAN stand near a monitor]

SYLVIA - Here, give it a try.

(2) [LOGAN takes over the controls]

SYLVIA - Full color cameras, flies up to thirty MPH, automatic pilot, programmable flight paths. Tiny. Almost silent. It's got intelligent navigation, so it won't crash, unless we make it. We can search a greater area more quickly.


LOGAN - It's perfect. Don't tell Ian. He'll only mess it up again.