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counter counter measures - Pentapede Nation #73



Pentapede Nation Page “counter counter measures - Pentapede Nation #73” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-04-02 — Tags: heshla, ian allgood, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [IAN is talking to a caged and defiant HESHLA]

IAN - Well, you're resistant to electricity, and your time in the freezer didn't seem to affect you after you warmed back up, but that carapace sample burned to a crisp. That just leaves one thing to test.

(2) [IAN sprays HESHLA with a new kind of neutralizer]

IAN - I'm impressed by your resilience. Ligasha was quite clever, changing your susceptibility to the neutralizer. The sequencing show it's still there, though. Just different.

(3) [HESHLA is paralyzed and looks terrified]

IAN - There we are. Now, if Logan has found your comrades with his 'secret drone program,' we can end this with a minimum of fuss.