Comic Page

symbolism - Pentapede Nation #82


See the <a href="">previous comic</a> for author's note.

Pentapede Nation Page “symbolism - Pentapede Nation #82” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-05-02 — Tags: dakra, kashsh, ligasha, nokh, shishakh, tasha, ynda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [LIGASHA, KASHSH, SHISHAKH, YNDA, NOKH, TASHA, DAKRA, GREEN PENTAPEDE and RED PENTAPEDE are gathered at the base of the stairs]

YNDA - We want Ehsh' to still be part of the community, symbolically. Any traces we leave could give us away.

NOKH - You want us to become cannibals?


LIGASHA - Technically, you're all cannibals already. You ate your clutchmates after hatching.

NOKH - When we were wild and unthinking! Should we begin slaughtering each other again, too?

YNDA - Of course not! We only do it as a special honor.


GREEN PENTAPEDE - I think we should. Ehsh' was special.

TASHA - We need to do something.

NOKH (Stalking out) - I'll have no part in this!