Comic Page

funeral - Pentapede Nation #85



Pentapede Nation Page “funeral - Pentapede Nation #85” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-05-14 — Tags: dakra, ehsh', kashsh, ligasha, nokh, shishakh, tasha, ynda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [All the pentapedes, except for NOKH, have gathered by the lake for the funeral]

LIGASHA - Tonight, we honor those we have lost.

KASHSH - Brave 'pedes.

SHISHAKH - Lives given in duty to us all.


YNDA - Ehsh', killed while scouting for a new place to hide.

KASHSH - And Heshla, missing while distracting our captors as we escaped.


LIGASHA - We've decided that the best way to honor our finest, those who die in battle, is to eat them, so that they will live on in us. Although Heshla's body is not here with us tonight, we nonetheless include it in this ritual.

YNDA - Heshla, Ehsh', we miss you.