Comic Page

jump - Pentapede Nation #101



Pentapede Nation Page “jump - Pentapede Nation #101” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-07-09 — Tags: dyth, ligasha, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [LIGASHA leads some PENTAPEDES towards the burning ceiling]

LIGASHA - Through here, I think I see a way out.

(2) [Through a small gap in the ceiling, the night sky is visible]

LIGASHA - Almost there! Come on, little one!

SMALL RED PENTAPEDE - I can't go through it again.

(3) [SMALL RED PENTAPEDE turns an begins leaving]

LIGASHA - Stop! Where are you going?

SMALL RED PENTAPEDE - Not again. Not again.