Comic Page

regroup - Pentapede Nation #104


Yaaaay Ynda's back!

Pentapede Nation Page “regroup - Pentapede Nation #104” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-07-18 — Tags: heshla, tasha, ynda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [HESHLA, DAKRA and some RED PENTAPEDES are running in the forest]

HESHLA - Everyone, scatter to the bushes!

(2) [As a tongue of flame approaches, the pentapedes scatter]

HESHLA - Rendezvous like we discussed!

(3) [Hiding inside a bush, HESHLA encouters YNDA]

HESHLA - Ynda!

YNDA - Fancy meeting you here, stranger!