Comic Page

termination - Pentapede Nation #109


Ian looks so sad...

Pentapede Nation Page “termination - Pentapede Nation #109” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-08-06 — Tags: ian allgood, logan samuelson, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [IAN is in the forest, on the phone with BEAR]

BEAR [via phone] - I'm sorry, Dr. Allgood. I've been forbidden to speak to you any longer.

IAN - But--

BEAR - Your encryption key has been marked compromised, and this line will no longer respond to your calls.


BEAR - I'm doing you a favor, Ian. You've been flagged for termination. I suggest you get away while you can. I'm truly sorry. I enjoyed the time we had together. Adieu.


[IAN looks sad and lost]