Comic Page

game over - Pentapede Nation #120


Ligasha has decided not to screw around anymore.

Pentapede Nation Page “game over - Pentapede Nation #120” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-09-12 — Tags: ian allgood, ligasha, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [LIGASHA is crawling up IAN's back, dodging IAN's attempts to grab it]

IAN - Logan was the one who sent those drones, who destroyed your home.

LIGASHA - He's the one who set us free.


LIGASHA - And if he did those things, it was under your direction. You're responsible either way.

IAN - He set you free in order to discredit me and take my position. Now he's destroyed your home and your family because it makes him look good.

(3) [LIGASHA reaches IAN's neck, and inserts its fangs slightly]

LIGASHA - Freeze! Make any more I don't tell you to, and you'll find out how well the venom you designed works.