Comic Page

why should we? - Pentapede Nation #122



Pentapede Nation Page “why should we? - Pentapede Nation #122” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-09-19 — Tags: ian allgood, ligasha, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [LIGASHA still has its fangs in IAN's neck]

LIGASHA - What makes you think we'll work with you after this?

IAN - If you want your people to be safe, you will. How do you think we found you?


LIGASHA - The drones, of course.

IAN - Hardly! No, Logan's drones weren't finding anything useful.


IAN - I implemented a tracking chip in Heshla while I had it captured, and it led us straight to you.

LIGASHA - You're not endearing yourself to me now.