Comic Page

unwanted - Pentapede Nation #133



Pentapede Nation Page “unwanted - Pentapede Nation #133” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-10-29 — Tags: ligasha, ynda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [LIGASHA runs away through the underground tunnels, followed by YNDA]

LIGASHA (thinking): Unwanted. I failed them. Endangered everyone.

YNDA: Ligasha, wait!

(2) [LIGASHA stops and turns to YNDA]

LIGASHA: I can't, Ynda, I failed everyone/

LIGASHA (thinking): Can't stay. My failure. I chose wrong.

(3) [LIGASHA turns to go again]

LIGASHA: Besides, no one wants me around.

LIGASHA (thinking): have to leave. unwanted.

YNDA: I do.