Comic Page

serendipity - Pentapede Nation #135



Pentapede Nation Page “serendipity - Pentapede Nation #135” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-11-05 — Tags: ian allgood, ligasha, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [IAN is digging out a box from near a tree. On the other side of the tree, LIGASHA is digging a hole]

LIGASHA (thinking): Huh?

(2) [LIGASHA climbs around the tree to peek at IAN taking a duffel bag from the box]

LIGASHA (thinking): Huh. A chance for redemption.

(3) [LIGASHA climbs into the duffel bag]

LIGASHA (thinking): And I won't mess up this time.