Comic Page

still going - Pentapede Nation #141



Pentapede Nation Page “still going - Pentapede Nation #141” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-11-26 — Tags: dyth, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [DYTH and the RED PENTAPEDE are headed towards the WARREN'S EXIT]

RED PENTAPEDE - Dyth, the construction work is down at the bottom.

DYTH - I know that.

RED PENTAPEDE - So you're still going?

DYTH - Yes.


RED PENTAPEDE - What about Kashsh? And Shishakh! Shishakh will kill us if we aren't working.

DYTH (stopping and turning) - We saved each others' lives.


DYTH - Even if I'm not sure that Ligasha made the right choice, I need to stand by it. And besides, would anyone stop Kashsh? Or Ynda? I need to assert my autonomy in this.

RED PENTAPEDE - Then I'm coming too.