Comic Page

thine own self - Pentapede Nation #152



Pentapede Nation Page “thine own self - Pentapede Nation #152” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2014-01-16 — Tags: dyth, iyunda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [DYTH, resting with broken legs on a recovery stone, is talking with IYUNDA]

DYTH - Iyunda, you're every bit your own self. We all are, even when our biology makes it hard.

IYUNDA - I wish you were coming.


DYTH - I can't come with you. Even if I could walk, Shishakh would stop me from coming.

IYUNDA (dejectedly) - I know.


DYTH - Be strong! I know you can overcome the compulsion, since I did. Practice it.

IYUNDA - I'll try. Goodbye, Dyth.