Comic Page

not ready to leave - Pentapede Nation #158



Pentapede Nation Page “not ready to leave - Pentapede Nation #158” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2014-02-06 — Tags: heshla, ynda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [YNDA and HESHLA are talking in the hollow]

HESHLA - Well, of course we'll need time to build up our numbers before we can attack, but -

YNDA - That's not what I mean.


YNDA - Even apart from the fact that there's only a slim chance of diplomatic overtures working at all, with us being bug-monsters, and that a war being waged by seemingly the same monsters will destroy that chance entirely...


YNDA - Shishakh just left. I'm not ready to leave the rest of my family yet.