Comic Page

welcome home - Pentapede Nation #90



Pentapede Nation Page “welcome home - Pentapede Nation #90” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-05-30 — Tags: heshla, ligasha, shishakh, ynda, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [SHISHAKH and YNDA are messing with the drone as LIGASHA and HESHLA enter]

SHISHAKH - Ok, I think I yanked its power source.

YNDA - It stopped humming, anyway.

LIGASHA - Toss it in the lake, that should do it.


HESHLA - No, don't! I have ideas for it.

SHISHAKH - Isn't it too dangerous?

HESHLA - Not disabled, we can bring it with us.

LIGASHA - We're headed back to evacuate.

(3) [LIGASHA and HESHLA enter the nest]

LIGASHA - We're all so excited that you're back. And I'm glad you're here to at least see what we've done, even though we have to leave.

HESHLA - It looks wonderful, I'm sorry I've missed so much.