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quick tour - Pentapede Nation #91



Pentapede Nation Page “quick tour - Pentapede Nation #91” — Posted by G. Lehr, 2013-06-04 — Tags: heshla, ligasha, book 1 - escapeMetadata (YAML)Transcript (TXT)


(1) [HESHLA and LIGASHA are inside the nest]

LIGASHA - I think we can have a quick tour.

HESHLA - Ligasha, I want to talk to you. You remember what Shishakh said? That humans were too dangerous to cohabitate with?


LIGASHA - Yes...

HESHLA - I think it's right. We'll always be monsters to them. Ligasha, the things Ian did to me, he did them out of spite. Not only to find a better way to kill us.


LIGASHA - I can't understand Ian being so vindictive.

HESHLA - If Ian is this bad, how will other humans be? We have to protect ourselves, but I don't think we can just hide in the forest. We have to eradicate or at least conquer them.

LIGASHA - Let's... focus on surviving to start.